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CSIRT for secured network
NetSecurity Cluster
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IFIS - TeleTrusT (D)

IFIS Institute fur Internet Sicherheit and TeleTrusT (D)
(Sector lead in Energy, with NSMC in the Czech Republic)

The Institute for Internet Security (Institut für Internet-Sicherheit, IFIS) is a department of the Faculty of Computer Sciences at Gelsenkirchen University of Applied Sciences, focusing on cyber security. IFIS represents one of the most considerable competencies for Internet Security in Germany. Research and development is application oriented and designed to take advantage of the latest scientific findings to promote education and to create innovative, marketable products, partnerships and services. As a regional branch of TeleTrusT association (TTT Gelsenkirchen, non-profit association promoting the trustworthiness of ICT representing industry, research and public institutions), IFIS provides a direct connection to government and industry, supporting communication and networking for the benefit of all stakeholders. This corresponds to the idea to go beyond research and to improve cooperation between the public and private sector. Current activities include early warning systems, mobile security, identity management, trusted computing and network-based malware analysis. Sophisticated methodologies like performance figure systems, code review techniques and anomaly based monitoring and alerting systems are developed to assist in accomplishing this task and to foster the scientific objectives of the institute. One of our overall tasks is to improve the statutory framework of cyber security and to make the global network a more trustworthy and secure place.

TeleTrusT Deutschland e.V. was founded in 1989 as a non-profit association in Germany promoting the trustworthiness of information and communication technology in open systems environments. Today, TeleTrusT counts more than 90 members. Within the last 20 years TeleTrusT evolved to a well known and highly regarded competence network for applied cryptography and biometrics.

TeleTrusT facilitates information and knowledge exchange between vendors, users and authorities. Subsequently, innovative ICT-security solutions can enter the market more quickly and effectively. TeleTrusT aims on standard compliant solutions in an interoperable scheme. Keeping in mind the increasing importance of the European security market, TeleTrusT seeks the co-operation with European and international organisations and authorities with similar objectives.

Germany is one of the most important markets for IT Security in enterprise and government. With “IT Security made in Germany”, TTT has established a recognised brand in other markets, allowing for cross-fertilisation and understanding of for instance the North American and Latin American markets.